Innovation campaign

Showing the science behind aquafeed

Client: Skretting

When discussing the strategy behind this social media campaign, the goal was clear: to show the science behind the production of aquafeed, and the people behind the science. The campaigned is addressed to both a general audience but also the scientific community and the aquafeed industry.

The challenge: Design a rich and varied campaign, and creating enough content to publish three posts a week for a period of almost 4 months. The content is a mix of articles, videos, infographics, animations and carousels and the challenge is to give each piece of content its unique twist while keeping visual cohesion throughout the campaign.

The approach: Looking at each topic, we agreed upon the type of post that best suited each one (text, images or video). We created visual elements that are consistent throughout the content - in this case, a circle with a gradient with Skretting’s colors and the theme of a dynamic ocean to show the always evolving nature of innovation. Based on this, all was left was to create a calendar of content and to start crafting the visuals.

The result: A rich, varied collection of visuals accompanying and explaining topics like cell culture, Skretting’s timeline of innovation and novel ingredients. The posts have been well received by all audiences and the campaign has helped solidified innovation as a core value at Skretting.


Content strategy


Functional design: Product brochures