Species and products highlight
Social Media campaign

Client: Skretting
Working regularly with Skretting, I often help them develop campaigns with evergreen content - that can be share whenever needed, regardless of the time of year.
The challenge:: To find a social media theme for the campaign that is engaging for most audiences, and create content that can be repurposed in the future, going back to basics without being repetitive.
The approach: I proposed reminding their target audience of their extensive product catalogue, but instead of simply talking about the products, we focused on the species and provided a fun fact about each. That way we show the variety of species that Skretting provides feed for, and add a fun component to the campaign.
The result: An evergreen social media campaign with engaging copy and clean visuals, showing both the company’s product offering, the species they cater to, and their extensive knowledge of fish and shrimp nutritional and environmental needs.